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The Harmful Effects of Red Tides â€Å"Red tide† is the basic name for what researchers currently want to call â€Å"ha...

Monday, September 30, 2019


Master in Business Administration – Semester3 MF0010– Security Analysis and Portfolio Management – 4Credits (Book ID: B1208) Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Q. 1 Frame the investment process for a person of your age group. Ans:- It is rare to find investors investing their entire savings in a single security. Instead, they tend to invest in a group of securities. Such a group of securities is called a portfolio. Most financial experts stress that in order to minimize risk; an investor should hold a well-balanced investment portfolio.The investment process describes how an investor must go about making. Decisions with regard to what securities to invest in while constructing a portfolio, how extensive the investment should be, and when the investment should be made. This is a procedure involving the following five steps: †¢ Set investment policy †¢ Perform security analysis †¢ Construct a portfolio †¢ Revise the portfolio †¢ Evaluate the perf ormance of portfolio 1. Setting Investment Policy : This initial step determines the investor’s objectives and the amount of his investable wealth.Since there is a positive relationship between risk and return, the investment objectives should be stated in terms of both risk and return. This step concludes with the asset allocation decision: identification of the potential categories of financial assets for consideration in the portfolio that the investor is going to construct. Asset allocation involves dividing an investment portfolio among different asset categories, such as stocks, bonds and cash. The asset allocation that works best for an investor at any given point in his life depends largely on his time horizon and his ability to tolerate risk.Time Horizon – The time horizon is the expected number of months, years, or decades that an investor will be investing his money to achieve a particular financial goal. An investor with a longer time horizon may feel more comfortable with a riskier or more volatile investment because he can ride out the slow economic cycles and the inevitable ups and downs of the markets. By contrast, an investor who is saving for his teen-aged daughter’s college education would be less likely to take a large risk because he has a shorter time horizon.Risk Tolerance – Risk tolerance is an investor’s ability and willingness to lose some or all of his original investment in exchange for greater potential returns. An aggressive investor, or one with a high-risk tolerance, is more likely to risk losing money in order to get better results. A conservative investor, or one with a low-risk tolerance, tends to favour investments that will preserve his or her original investment. The conservative investors keep a â€Å"bird in the hand,† while aggressive investors seek â€Å"two in the bush. † While setting the investment policy, the investor also selects the portfolio management style (acti ve vs. assive management). Active Management is the process of managing investment portfolios by attempting to time the market and/or select „undervalued? stocks to buy and „overvalued? stocks to sell, based upon research, investigation and analysis. Passive Management is the process of managing investment portfolios by trying to match the performance of an index (such as a stock market index) or asset class of securities as closely as possible, by holding all or a representative sample of the securities in the index or asset class.This portfolio management style does not use market timing or stock selection strategies. 2. Performing Security Analysis : This step is the security selection decision: Within each asset type, identified in the asset allocation decision, how does an investor select which securities to purchase. Security analysis involves examining a number of individual securities within the broad categories of financial assets identified in the previous step . One purpose of this exercise is to identify those securities that currently appear to be mispriced.Security analysis is done either using Fundamental or Technical analysis (both have been discussed in subsequent units). Fundamental analysis is a method used to evaluate the worth of a security by studying the financial data of the issuer. It scrutinizes the issuer's income and expenses, assets and liabilities, management, and position in its industry. In other words, it focuses on the „basics? of the business. Technical analysis is a method used to evaluate the worth of a security by studying market statistics. Unlike fundamental analysis, technical analysis disregards an issuer's financial statements.Instead, it relies upon market trends to ascertain investor sentiment to predict how a security will perform. 3. Portfolio Construction : This step identifies those specific assets in which to invest, as well as determining the proportion of the investor’s wealth to put i nto each one. Here selectivity, timing and diversification issues are addressed. Selectivity refers to security analysis and focuses on price movements of individual securities. Timing involves forecasting of price movement of stocks relative to price movements of fixed income securities (such as bonds).Diversification aims at constructing a portfolio in such a way that the investor’s risk is minimized. The following table summarizes how the portfolio is constructed for an active and a passive investor. [pic] 4. Portfolio Revision : This step is the repetition of the three previous steps, as objectives might change and previously held portfolio might not be the optimal one. 5. Portfolio performance evaluation : This step involves determining periodically how the portfolio has performed over some time period (returns earned vs. risks incurred). Q. From the website of BSE India, explain how the BSE Sensex is calculated. Ans:- SENSEX is calculated using the â€Å"Free-float Mar ket Capitalization† methodology, wherein, the level of index at any point of time reflects the free-float market value of 30 component stocks relative to a base period. The market capitalization of a company is determined by multiplying the price of its stock by the number of shares issued by the company. This market capitalization is further multiplied by the free-float factor to determine the free-float market capitalization.The base period of SENSEX is 1978-79 and the base value is 100 index points. This is often indicated by the notation 1978-79=100. The calculation of SENSEX involves dividing the free-float market capitalization of 30 companies in the Index by a number called the Index Divisor. The Divisor is the only link to the original base period value of the SENSEX. It keeps the Index comparable over time and is the adjustment point for all Index adjustments arising out of corporate actions, replacement of scrips etc.During market hours, prices of the index scrips, a t which latest trades are executed, are used by the trading system to calculate SENSEX on a continuous basis. Dollex-30 BSE also calculates a dollar-linked version of SENSEX and historical values of this index are available since its inception. (For more details click ‘Dollex series of BSE indices') SENSEX – Scrip Selection Criteria 1. Equities of companies listed on Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd. (excluding companies classified in Z group, listed mutual funds, scrips suspended on the last day of the month prior to review date, scrips objected by theSurveillance department of the Exchange and those that are traded under permitted category) shall be considered eligible 2. Listing History: The scrip should have a listing history of at least three months at BSE. An exception may be granted to one month, if the average free-float market capitalization of a newly listed company ranks in the top 10 of all companies listed at BSE. In the event that a company is listed on account o f a merger / demerger / amalgamation, a minimum listing history is not required. 3.The scrip should have been traded on each and every trading day in the last three months at BSE. Exceptions can be made for extreme reasons like scrip suspension etc. 4. Companies that have reported revenue in the latest four quarters from its core activity are considered eligible. 5. From the list of constituents selected through Steps 1-4, the top 75 companies based on free-float market capitalisation (avg. 3 months) are selected as well as any additional companies that are in the top 75 based on full market capitalization (avg. months). 6. The filtered list of constituents selected through Step 5 (which can be greater than 75 companies) is then ranked on absolute turnover (avg. 3 months). 7. Any company in the filtered, sorted list created in Step 6 that has Cumulative Turnover of >98%, are excluded, so long as the remaining list has more than 30 scrips 8. The filtered list calculated in Step 7 is then sorted by free float market capitalization. Any company having a weight within this filtered constituent list of

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Hardware and Software Selection Paper Essay

Technology plays a very important role in businesses because it helps make things so much easier as far as recording the information, create financial statements, and account management. Thus, computer hardware is what the companies use for data storage, and software packages are the tools businesses use to help the business run faster and easier. There are different types of hardware and software that the companies have to choose wisely to fit and benefit their businesses. It is important to have the hardware that help the company store, organize, manipulate, and update the amount of business information with the assistance of database management programs because the company would use the programs to keep track with its customers, employees, suppliers, and inventory. Also, the most important is that the programs allow the accountants and accounting clerks keep track and maintain with the company’s financial reports, and the programs allow them to manage the payrolls as well a s the account receivable and account payable to avoid error financial reports and tax returns. Riordan AIS Integration and End-User Information Access Technology plays a very important role in all types of businesses because it helps the organizations get things done must fast, easy, and secure. It also allows the organizations to maintenance their businesses as well as keep track with the clients or consumers. Thus, many organizations use hardware to record the company’s information, they also use the computer software as a method to protect their computers against hackers attack and other Internet treats. However, there are certain people in different level allow  having access to the information, and the people who need access to the information would be the accountants (general and supervisors), accounting clerks, director of accounting and finance, the president, CEO, CFO, and COO. The accounting clerks needs to access to the information to edit or enter payments, billings, and adjustment of credit or debit for the business, and they also need to access to the General Ledger and Month end reports to ensure all the inf ormation is corrected to avoid future problems. Also, the general accountant and accounting supervisors need to view the reports to ensure the accounting clerks complete their tasks by enter all the information before month end. Once all the information are entered the director of accounting and finance would access to review the reports or edit them if needed to ensure that the finance are corrected such as Account Payable and Credit, and they will base on the information and number on the reports to make best decisions for the business. On the other hand, the president, CEO, CFO, and COO would access to the entire system to review all the reports such as month end reports and payment reports in order to see if the company is making or losing money. The bottom line would show that either the company is making profits or losing money and which areas. It is important for the reports to be accurate because the management would base on the information shows on these reports to make best decision for the business as well as the compan y. Riordan AIS Integration and Internal Controls Integrating the accounts receivable accounting process into an automated system requires specific internal controls to protect the company against fraud and theft. An efficient control system will protect the confidence of information, quickly identify errors, and remove the opportunity of compromise. Setting controls should also ensure the accuracy of data entered into the accounts receivable ledger, ensure a segregation of duties, and promote a timely presentation of financial reports in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). In accordance with the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act, the company must ensure the integrity of all financial information. To determine the effectiveness of an automated accounts receivable process a system must be put in place to monitor it. Written control policies must be developed for all employees with access to  automated systems or relative information. There must be a set protocol implemented for all activities. Management must be familiar with and closely monitor daily activities. Infogix, Inc. is a software company that helps businesses to monitor and analyze information. Independent, automated controls are implemented to monitor information from beginning to end. Infogix controls make sure that all activities comply with COBIT, all transactions are validated, and subsequently compliance costs are reduced. AIS Integration and Reporting Processes Enterprise integration of centralized accounting information system (â€Å"AIS†) at Riordan Manufacturing, Inc. (â€Å"Riordan†) brings a number of challenges with respect to reporting processes. Previously, Riordan’s various AIS deployed in regional offices â€Å"[have] been unable to achieve anything remotely resembling ‘seamless compatibility'† (Apollo Group, Inc., 2013, Riordan—Finance Overview, para. 5), with a corresponding lack of information portability and accessibility between offices. A centralized data warehouse for Riordan allows all regional offices to enter and store accounts receivable data in uniform data tables and procedures, permitting more easily comprehended data in nearly real-time accessibility. This enhanced data storage capacity also requires enhanced information reporting processes, with sufficiently powerful and flexible hardware and software packages to meet the complex and diverse needs of Riordan’s central administration and its many regional offices. Hardware Proposals Riordan’s multiple regional offices present a diverse requirement in terms of hardware needs. Most office workers will find their tasks sufficiently satisfied with standard personal computers, without requiring much customization by the organization aside from adherence to security protocol. Many sales and executive staff will require far more complex and diverse hardware packages in their work. Laptop computers allow nearly all capabilities of a personal computer in a more portable device, but may yet be too bulky when literally on the move. To this end, tablet computers and smart-phones allow access to the Internet and thus—with the proper credentials and software—sufficient accessibility to organizational information systems and communication networks. However, a balance must be  found between convenience and cost-effectiveness in terms of actual hardware selection in these circumstances. Reporting Software Proposals Two powerful pieces of software for business reporting purposes are Crystal Reports and Business Objects. According to the marketing department of its publisher, Crystal Reports is â€Å"powerful, user-friendly applications †¦ [that] can help you deliver key insights to the right decision maker, at the right time, in the right format† (SAP, 2014, para. 1). This sort of software is a SQL programming tool to design and produce custom, automated reports from a variety of data sources in an organizational information system. The program engine may also be integrated into custom designed data entry and reporting software packages from other third-party vendors, allowing these powerful reports to be easily incorporated into packages custom designed to meet the organization’s informational needs. AIS Integration with Company Internet and Intranet Portals The company’s intranet should have information that allows employees to be more knowledgeable about the company. It should include items such as an employee directory; benefit plan details; structural information regarding the company; the company’s mission statement, goals, and objectives; and request forms for supplies and processes. Although detailed information regarding Accounts Receivable would not be shared on the Intranet, the large picture of the financial information for the company should be on the Intranet for employees to view. This could include quarterly financial reports, with the total accounts receivable amount integrated into the report. This would allow employees to feel empowered by knowing how the company is handling money. It also gives employees a feeling of contentment knowing that they are secure in their organization. In conclusion, it is important for the company to choose the best hardware and software to fit and benefit the company to ensur e that it aids the business as well as creating the financial reports and keep track with its customers. References Apollo Group, Inc. (2013). Virtual organizations portal—Riordan—Company intranet—Homepage. Retrieved from: https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/aapd/cist/VOP/Business/Riordan/index.asp Apollo Group, Inc. (2013). Virtual organizations portal—Riordan—Company intranet—Finance overview. Retrieved from: https://ecampus.phoenix.edu/secure/aapd/cist/VOP/Business/Riordan/Finance/Overview.asp Bagranoff, N. A., Norman, C. S., Simkin, M. G. (2008). Core concepts of accounting information systems (10th ed.). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Retrieved from University of Phoenix ACC/340—Accounting Information Systems—Course Materials. SAP.com (2014) Empower your small business with SAP Crystal Reports. Retrieved from: http://www.sap.com/solution/sme/software/analytics/crystal-reports/index.html

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Market For Lemons Summary Essay

In this article, the author examines the relationship between quality and uncertainty and their implication on the theory of markets. Akerlof uses the example of the automobile market in order to illustrate the effects of uncertainty and quality on consumer behavior. In his example, Akerlof begins with the assumption that consumers have the option of either buying a new or used car. However, the consumer cannot predict whether the car that they buy is a good car or a â€Å"lemon†. Therefore, the probability of a car being good can have a probability of q while the probability of a lemon would be (1-q). This probability increases, however, as time progresses and you learn about your car. Therefore, it can be seen that the seller will have a more accurate prediction on the quality of the car as opposed to the buyer because the seller has more information on the car. The problem is that the seller is forced to sell his car at a price which disregards quality because buyers are unable to tell the difference between a good car and a lemon. Therefore, the seller is not able to receive the true value of his car and therefore forced to operate under a loss. Akerlof continues this analogy in other examples. In the insurance industry, the elderly have problems obtaining insurance due to the drastic spike in premium cost. Research has shown that as the price level rises, the people who insure themselves will be those who are increasingly certain that they will need insurance. This means that as the average medical condition of the insurered deteriorates, the price level rises, with the result that no insurance sales may take place at any price. Akerlof also uses the example of employing minorities, the cost of dishonesty, and the credit markets in underdeveloped countries to make his point. He has shown how â€Å"trust† is extremely important in any business transaction. Informal guarantees are preconditions for trade and business.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Field Trip Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Field Trip - Essay Example The mosque was built in 2005 by the great and famous architect Allan Abbas and Luna Construction (Khalidi, 2012). The mosque has several striking features that draw religious feelings to visitors like me. The most striking feature about this mosque is that it has a tall tower known as the Minaret. In between the Minaret are four loudspeakers, which I learned are used to summon the members of the Mosque to prayers. Merely seeing the Minarets and the loud speakers in between certainly brings the religious feeling of a Muslim territory. In addition, the mosque has a beautiful dome-shaped roof protruding slightly above the building. Therefore, by looking at the dome, one can easily point out that it is a religious place. In fact, the dome is written in a verse taken from the Quran, which brings the feeling that it is indeed a religious place. In addition, the architect employed several Islamic artifacts on the building including decorations, as well as Islamic symbols such as those of Pr ophet Muhammad, which makes it easy for a visitor to point out that the Mosque is indeed a religious place (Khalidi, 2012). In this regard, I can attest that architects Paul Bertin and David Donnellon designed the mosque in a manner that makes it look as a religious and a place of worship. Upon entering the worship service, I realized that the way the Catholics conducts their services is quite different from that of Muslims. Firstly, not all members of the congregation are allowed to enter the mosque with shoes or any other footwear apart from the disabled. As a result, every member of the congregation is required to remove the footwear followed by washing of the feet and hands before proceeding to the mosque. This is done because Islam believes that the Mosque is a clean and holy place. Surprisingly, the most has no chairs where people can sit. Instead, everyone in the church, except the elderly and the disabled sit on a large carpet laid on the floor. It was also interesting to no te that women are not supposed to mix with their male counterparts in one room as Catholics and Christians does. Instead, women have a different room within the Mosque where they gather for prayers. However, the prayers in both rooms are guided by a single Imam or Sheik in the men’s room. This implies that women follow the prayers electronically on speakers provided in their room. Once the congregants have gathered in the Muslim, an Imam or Sheik guides the prayers from the pulpit. Here the Quran, which is the Islamic holy book, is read to the Congregants. This is followed by a lengthy preaching based on the verse read in the Quran. In between the prayers, the Imam or Sheik guides the congregants through recitation of the Muslim prayer known as Salat (Khalidi, 2012). As the Muslims, recite this prayer, every member in required to bow down on their knees humbly. This is followed by going down and kissing the floor a number of times during prayers. Once the prayers are done, th e members of the congregation are required to give money, just like the Christians do in the Church. Each member is required to contribute according to what God has blessed him or her. Being the day of tithing, I realized that Muslims are required to give a minimum tithe of 2.5%, as opposed to the 10% minimum requirement for Christians. Muslim call this tithing ‘

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Internal Communication between Managers and Employees in Kentucky Research Paper

Internal Communication between Managers and Employees in Kentucky State - Research Paper Example The third factor deals with the impact of the training program on the workforce environment. The data has been collected by taking interviews of the business employers in Kentucky State. The study will be concluding with recommendations and conclusions for these employers that should be taken into consideration while dealing with the three factors. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is to analyze the internal communication between the managers and the employees in Kentucky and also analyze the following research questions: 1. What is an organization’s strategy to develop its own brand? 2. How does the organization expand the market of their goods? 3. How can training program affect a workforce environment? Methods and Procedures The procedure of collection of the data followed by its analysis and interpretation of the result while finding a solution to any research problem is known as the research philosophy (Tobin & Joseph, 2006). It mainly comprises of two approa ches. One is the positivism and the other is interpretive. The positivist style gives establishing theory prior to the research conduct. This type of research can be carried out by means of experimental and descriptive research method. It is positively associated with the natural sciences. On the other hand, interpretive gives the establishing theory after conducting the research. The interpretive research model works on the basis of the human perceptions (Seale, 2012). It helps to understand mainly the non statistical variables like the human perceptions, their social behaviour, social motives etc (Spradley, 1979; Plummer, 1983). In this research, the interpretive research model have been chosen for finding out the internal communication between the managers and the employees, the strategy of the company in developing the brand and the expansion strategy of the company in marketing its products. The two main types of research strategies are qualitative and quantitative research str ategies. Both qualitative and quantitative research strategies hold equal importance while finding a solution to any research problem. Quantitative research strategy involves various statistical calculations, different computational techniques and procedures (Kumar, 2011). It mainly considers close ended surveys (Ably, 2012). Qualitative research strategy is just the opposite of quantitative research strategy. It gives the description of the individuals in the natural situation and tries to find solutions to the research problems based on culture, social belief, human behaviour etc (Kumar, 2011). In this research problem, qualitative research method has been used for analyzing the internal communication between the managers and employees, the strategy of the company in developing the brand and the expansion strategy of the company in marketing its products. In this research strategy, both primary and secondary data collection method have been used. The primary data collection has be en made by conducting the interview of the business owners and the managers of various local businesses in the Kentucky state.

Intelligence Analysis Question 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Intelligence Analysis Question 2 - Essay Example Different professionals have come up with theories on the upcoming threats to the United States and going through the views of George Roger and Bruce James is effective in that it assists in understanding their viewpoint and the actions that the country ought to take in preventing actual occurrence of the risks. The two professionals mentioned are actual officers of the law where one of them, James works for the Central Intelligence Agency while Roger is also a member of the high leagues in terms of intelligence. According to George, the biggest threat that faces the United States both currently and in the future is regarding intelligence. Intelligence is critical information that a government accumulates and stores in its agencies that ought to assist the government run its operations and protect the citizens of the country1. George further states that the concept of hacking was the initiator of this problem and this is because the fact that people had the ability to access information and actual private date belonging to people made the trend famous to a point people started challenging one another. According to Roger, the issue is not quite rampant and this is because of the strict rules incorporated by the government where anyone that carries out this type of behavior faces strict legal action. This action has been a positive factor in ensuring that the number of these people reduces to a point that the concept of hacking stops completely. However, with the advent of more sophisticated internet technology, there are hackers that have come up with skills that they cannot be located. These hackers have the ability to hack into government systems and still critical information that has different implications on both the government and the content subject. Over the past few years, these critical hackers have had the ability to hack into systems such as that of Russian

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Self-Identity Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Self-Identity Writing - Essay Example At California State University, am majoring in civil engineering. Initially, I came to the University and enrolled in a business course seeking to follow in my family’s footsteps. However, business studies proved to be a major challenge to me as it never reflected on my desires and ambitions. My entire family majored in business, and everyone expected me to follow in line. When discussing my career path with my family, I never considered mentioning engineering in a family where business studies had made everyone whom they are. Being a female in a country where men are considered to be the sole sources of authority I never wanted to get into an argument with my parents as this would have elicited social and cultural consequences. To avoid this trouble I came to the United States and enrolled as a major in business. However, my desire and passion for engineering was driven by the love for science. Additionlly, it was inspired by the boundless infrastructural structures in the United States and other parts of the world. Opting to major in engineering was a personal choice though. Initially, I was afraid to address the issue with my parents until my new friends in the United States convinced me to do so. After discussing the issue with my parents, they were more than supporting and they supportive as they encouraged me to seek my dreams and pursue what my heart desired. My educational goals go past the bachelor’s degree. Currently, the society is becoming increasingly competitive, and education is no longer an option one should miss. In Saudi Arabia, not many women have become successful in a society that favors males to women when it comes to professional success.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Civil War Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Civil War - Research Paper Example Belgian rule created more of an ethnic divide between the Tutsi and Hutu. Tutsis, who were visually fair in complexion and usually taller, were considered superior to the Hutus and had their roots in the region for centuries. The Belgian government being aware of that fact supported Tutsi political power. Each individual was issued a racial identification card which stated one as legally Hutu or Tutsi. By 1931, an ethnic identity was officially mandated and each Rwandan possessed an ethnic identity card at that time (Globalsecurity.org, 2011). Tutsis due to their superior racial status started exploiting their power over Hutu majority. There was discrimination all over the region. Any person owning 10 or more cattle was considered as a member of the Tutsi class. The Hutus were treated as the third class citizens and were not given any opportunity to excel in the society. Even the education system was entirely different for both groups. This created a sense of social injustice and hat red among the Hutus for Tutsi behavior and started rebelling against them. In 1960, the Belgian diplomats surprised everyone by reversing their favoritism and encouraged Hutu uprising in the name of democracy. In the same year, Belgium government decided to hold democratic elections in Rwanda-Burundi region. The Hutu majority elected Hutu representatives ending Tutsi monarchy. By 1962, Rwanda had become a Hutu dominated state and most of the Tutsis were exiled, if not killed, to the neighboring countries for their undesirable behavior with the Hutus (Phillip, 2000). By 1990, Hutus had gained full control and were administering the country. But there still was political unrest due to slumping economy and food shortages. The main reason however was something else. The Tutsis who were exiled more than 30 years ago were now grouping together in an attempt to overthrow Hutu led government in Rwanda and also to attain the right to live there. As a result, Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) was formed with the help of Ugandan army consisting mostly of Tutsi refugees or their descendants who were exiled earlier. The RPF, under the command of Major General Fred Rwigema began to pressurize Rwandan government and demanded Habyarimana, the Rwandan president, to make concessions and allow Tutsis to freely live there and be a part of the democratic system in the country. Habyarimana, after not being able to satisfy RPF’s demands and also RPF’s unwillingness to wait any longer and trust any longer the Rwandan government to fulfill its promises led RPF to wage civil war in the country (Globalsecurity.org, 2011). On 1st October, 1990, around 50 RPF rebels crossed the Ugandan border into Rwanda killing a guard at the Kagitumba border post. Hundreds more followed them with artillery and support provided to them by the Ugandan National Army. In few days after the first attack, the RPF army had advanced 60km to the south in the town of Gabiro creating violence and chaos in the region. This forced the government to launch a counterattack on RPF. The Rwandan Armed Forces (RAF) had a greater army and more advanced weaponry provided to them by the French as compared to rebels. However, RPF forces continued to invade Rwanda and more and more troops were deployed. As the civil war continued in the north, opposition to the government increased in Kigali. President Habyarimana was placed under immense pressure to take democratization measures and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Discuss the key guiding principles which should underpin a successful Essay

Discuss the key guiding principles which should underpin a successful Destination Management Strategy, using relevant examples - Essay Example The entrance of new competing destinations has heightened competition prompting the destination marketing organizations to change their business strategies. Since each country has unique goals and objectives for tourism, it is crucial that the marketing strategies match the gaols of the specific country. For any country to position its tourism marketing strategy, it is crucial to design a visionary plan, design strategies to promote the plan, source funds and support for the program and work out a correction plan to counter the challenges that are likely to arise during the strategy implementation process. The challenges arising in the tourism require a different approach of destination management to stimulate growth and ensure that all stakeholders in tourism benefit from the investment plans. The first step towards efficiency destination marketing is to build a vision and a plan that involves all the stakeholders in the industry (Shirazi & Som, 2011). The vision of the destination marketing should be to use an integrative approach that embraces changes, flexibility and one that is customer focussed. The customer should be the main focus of the organization, as they are the source of profit for the organization. On this note, the objective should be to understand the customer needs, and develop strategies to satisfy them. Additionally, the vision of the project should be to involve all the stakeholders of the tourism industry in the implementation process. England is an example of the countries that have focussed on the customer needs to stimulate a tourism growth of over 5% per year (Prideaux & Cooper, 2002). By satisfying the customers, the locals, the employees and the government, it is possible to overcome the challenges that affect the tourism market. Destination marketing seeks to satisfy all the stakeholders by actively involving them in the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

A Little History Essay Example for Free

A Little History Essay In a government sponsored website one can find the following information regarding the ancestry of most Taiwanese: Archaeologists have found evidence of prehistoric human habitation in Taiwan that dates back 12,000 to 15,000 years, and suggests that the earliest ancestors of Taiwan’s present inhabitants came from at least two places: southern China and Austronesia. Early settlers from southern China settled in northern and central Taiwan†¦ (see Taiwan website). Aside from its proximity to China this historical trivia provides an explanation why Taiwan is very similar to China. This also explains the influence of Chinese culture that is so evident in the whole of Taiwan culture. Food is the closest thing to culture and since Taiwan is closely related to Mainland China in terms of culture, there is also a significant similarity in the way food is prepared. This is a factor to consider for any expatriate coming in to work. If the expatriate is used to eating Chinese food then there is no problem adjusting to the culinary preference of the Taiwanese people. The Economy In the CIA World Factbook a bright outlook is seen with regards to business opportunities, â€Å"Taiwan has a dynamic capitalist economy with gradually decreasing guidance of investment and foreign trade by government authorities [†¦] Exports have provided the primary impetus for industrialization. The trade surplus is substantial, and foreign reserves are the world’s third largest [†¦] China has overtaken the US to become Taiwan’s largest export market† (see CIA). The last statement in the above-mentioned information, the one about China becoming the number export market for this nation speaks volumes about the economic potential of Taiwan. This also tells of its strategic position. Moreover, judging from this business relationship in spite of the shaky political relationship with the People’s Republic of China hints at Taiwan’s seriousness to overcome any obstacle to become a serious economic player in the region, in Asia and the world in general. Conclusion Looking at Taiwan and South Korea there is not much difference. This means that if I am forced to go to either one then I will be able to survive, thrive, and most probably succeed. Yet, since I have a choice in this matter, then I will choose Taiwan over South Korea. The following reasons supports my decision. Culture As mentioned earlier my family originally came from China. This means that I was raised in a family that practices or even cherishes values similar to those in China. Now, since Taiwan is considered part of China then it also implies that both countries share similar cultural traits. The same could not be said of South Korea whose culture is very different from the Chinese of mainland China. Having similar culture could also mean that it will take me a shorter amount of time to learn the dos and donts of the Taiwanese culture. This translates to efficiency and promotion up the corporate ladder. This also means less mistakes and an increase in customer satisfaction. It also enable me to contribute in terms of giving inputs on how to improve servcie since I fully understand what the Taiwanes customers are actually saying and not merely interpreting their words into English and assuming that translated words are the actual intent of their communication. Food The closest thing to culture is food. In this aspect Taiwanese cuisine is similar to those in the mainland. This means that less trouble for me nutrition wise. Many have said that the most difficult part in crossing over other culture is not the different clothes and not even the language barrier. What is most difficult according to many is learning to stomach the exotic foods available in a particular locale.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Social Media Influences Your Shopping Behaviour Marketing Essay

Social Media Influences Your Shopping Behaviour Marketing Essay Social media is constantly evolving and changing with more and more people around the world jumping on the social media bandwagon. This has impacted and influenced the buying behavior of the people. People are much more informed now and like to read opinions and reviews of other people online before buying any product or service. This report will look at how the buying behavior has been impacted and which stages of the decision making process have been influenced by the rise of social media. This has also changed the way companies used to market their products and services. Now, companies also need to use social media to interact with their customers, market their products, solve the problems faced by customer etc. Social media has given a wonderful platform to the companies for a two way interaction with the customers. Further, the younger generation has been impacted the most as they are the majority users of social networks and hence their buying behavior has under gone a drastic change. Table of Contents Introduction The report will analyze how social media has impacted and influenced the buying behavior of people. Nowadays it is common to see everybody around us joining Facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc. The interactions of people on these social networks impact their opinions about various products which in turn influences their buying behavior. This influence will be analyzed using relevant theories related to buying behavior and social media usage. What is Social Media? Social Media is defined as the use of web-based and mobile technologies which turn communication into interactive dialogue. Kaplan and Haenlein (2009) define social media as a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content. There are various internet based applications which are driven solely by the media generated by the consumers. These applications act as a platform where users from around the world interact with each other on topics which are of interest to them. Some of the famous social media websites are Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Blogger, MySpace etc. Facebook has more than 600 million users around the world and an estimated 41.6% of the U.S. population is on Facebook (Wells, 2010). These figures show just how popular social networks like Facebook are and how everybody is jumping on the social media bandwagon. Consumer Buying Behavior Process Consumer Buying Behaviour is the decision making process he/she undergoes while choosing a product or a service. The basic steps in the process are as follows: Need Recognition The buyer identifies the need for which the product or service is required. Alternative Search He/she searches for the alternatives that are available in the market in this stage. Alternative Evaluation Evaluation and comparison of all the alternatives on various factors is done in this stage. Purchase Decision The buyer chooses the best alternative and buys it. Post Purchase Evaluation / Dissonance This stage involves evaluating the benefits of the product / service after using it and forming an attitude about it. How Social Media affects the Decision Making Process ? People from all over the world use Social Media to create and share opinions, insights, experiences and perspectives with each other. Social Media affects the Alternative Search and the Alternative Evaluation stages of the decision making process. Lets see how it does that. Alternative Search After the consumer has identified the need for a product or service, he/she goes on the internet and searches for the same. The search results give an idea to the consumer about the alternatives that are available in the market for the required product or service. The various search results take him to various blogs, review sites, online retailers, Facebook page of the product etc. The user forms an opinion about the product after going through the various reviews and comments about the product which are posted by people from around the world on various social media websites. Alternative Evaluation After knowing the available alternatives the user zeros in on two or three brands which satisfy his need. He/she then goes on the internet to do a comparison between the brands and to know the opinion of other customers who hav used that brand below. Additionally, the user may post on his Facebook / Twitter account asking his friends about their opinion on which brand he/she should go for. After considering the reviews on the internet and the opinions of his friends, the user then decides the particular brand that he/she will finally buy. This is quite different from what previously used to happen in the above two stages i.e. before the coming of social media. Previously, the consumer had no option but to go to the market and visit various shops to find about the various alternatives that are available in the market that satisfy his need. Further, the consumer was solely at the disposal of the retailer for the comparison of the available alternatives and for reviews of the same. The retailer further pushed the product which fetched him the greatest margin irrespective of whether the product is good or bad. The chances of this happening now have become very less because the customer has become much more informed now. How has social media changed the nature of promotion and communication to target markets? Before the coming of social media, the information about a product or service originated from the company and was distributed through the sales rep, distributors and the retailers. But now customers have access to this information directly from the company website or by using Google Search, Facebook etc. The information is available on many websites on the internet and the customer is talking to his/her peers to form an opinion about the product. Thus it becomes essential for the companies to ensure that correct information about their products is easily available on the internet. Hence, companies have started using Google Ads and Ads on Facebook etc. to promote their products. They can also use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to promote their websites by increasing its visibility in search results. SEM industry in USA was 16.6 Billion Dollars in 2010 (SEMPO, 2011). Further, they can create official Facebook account for their products or services so as to give a platform to their customers to discuss the products. These accounts also act as an information channel which works both ways. The company is able to educate the customer about their product, its features, recent promotions etc. and at the same time the company benefits from the consumer feedback it gets from the consumers of its products. The company can further use this feedback to improve and create better products for the future. In the case of Twitter, companies can create an account where they can proactively update their customers aka followers with new updates, answers etc. It is also essential for the company to keep its followers engaged by coming up with different contests and promotions from time to time. This also helps spread the awareness of the companys Twitter account as the company gets more and more followers. Who are the most receptive target markets ? Around 53% of the US Facebook users are aged between 18 34 (Corbett, 2011). This clearly shows that the young population is the most active on social networks and hence is the most receptive target markets for the companies. Young users spend a considerably time everyday on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Further, with the coming of smartphones it has become much easier for them to keep in touch with their friends etc. Hence, the impact and influence of social media is the most on the buying behavior of young consumer. This makes it much more important for companies whose target market is young people to get on the social media bandwagon and interact with its customers through various channels like Facebook, Twitter, Blogs etc. This two-way interaction will be beneficial to both the customer as well as the company. Conclusion If theres one constant in social media, its change. Social media is rapidly changing and evolving with more and more people around the world joining the social media bandwagon. Further, the social media influences and impacts the two stages in the decision making process of a customer. These stages are Alternatives Search and Alternative Evaluation. Before buying a product, buyers now search on the internet for the same so as to read the reviews and opinions of the other people. This is especially common among the young generation as they are the most active users on the social networks. Hence, the companies need to interact with its customers through social media channels like Facebook, Twitter etc. to effectively market their products to the target audience.

Friday, September 20, 2019

US Army Rotc Program History Essay

US Army Rotc Program History Essay The U.S. Army ROTC which stands for Reserve Officers Training Corps is by far the best of the leadership courses throughout the country and is part of most colleges curriculum. The learning involves such practices which enables you to understand what it required to lead others, take up missions and motivate your fellow mates as an active Officer of the Army. Once graduated, the cadet earns the position of a Second Lieutenant and would be part of the Active Army, Army National Guard or the Army Reserve and become a discoverer for lifetime. The United States Armed Forces and numerous other national militaries, specially the countries having firm historic ties with the United States have implemented Reserve Officers Training Corps programs. Philippines implemented this in 1912 while Korea started ROTC in 1963. The ROTC contributes to all departments of the U.S. Armed forces except for U.S. Coast Guards. All in all it contributes towards 56% of the whole U.S. Army out of which; 11% are to US Marines, 41% to US Air Force and 20% of US Navy. The combined figures for the ROTC contribution of active duty officers towards the United States Department of Defense accounts to 39% which is a notable figure. Philippines ROTC Alumni Association acknowledges that 75% of the officer corps for Armed Forces in Philippines adds up from ROTC programs. Except for the US Coast Guard each of the U.S. Armed Forces offers keen scholarships to ROTC participant students on merit basis. They even offer scholarships in exchange for periods of active military service. For instance, students who opt for an Army ROTC scholarship agree to dispense a four year period of military service with the Army after college. Army and Airforce ROTC students are cited as cadets where Naval ROTC students are called midshipmen as these terms concur with their particular services in the military academy that they carry out. US Navy and US Marine Corps both are licensed by the Naval ROTC program whereas the Coast Guard guarantor only the JROTC program. Army ROTC squads are orchestrated into companies, battalions and brigades. Similarly, Air Force ROTC units are divided into wings, squads or wings just like the active Air Force. Naval ROTC units are carved up as naval battalions. Usually, naval ROTC units are formed into Naval battalions but having the Navy educatees in sections and divisions like a ship, and the Marines in a different company is only exercised when an ROTC unit has ample amount of members to justify an extra division. Senior Army leaders are keen of the idea that perception is actually reality. Black representation and resultant progress in the combat arms branches of the US Army is deplorably lacking. Recruiting blacks into combat arms is diminutive whereas the Black combat arms officers who elevate on higher leadership and command positions at battalion and brigade command level or higher are relics at best. This is also historic fact that the selected few Blacks for senior operational commands at the battalion or division level are generally placed out of view from the American public and the African American youth without fail. Figures say that across the past thirty years only two of nine black men were taken upto command Army Divisions and that also they have been intended to do so in Conus. It is a fact that Black men and women can derive aspiration in pursuance of a given career, by seeing someone of their own ethnicity in placements of high authority, but Black Battalion Commanders have a lways remained persona non grata in percepts of the Black youth. The US army in turn lays no significant emphasis on dealing with the impact of black combat officers. Charles C. Moskos states that Blacks occupy more management positions in the military than in any other sector of American society. The incorporation of Blacks into the Army is a sensational story worth simulating; the Army figures show that Blacks do not take parts equally all around career fields. Especially Blacks are under-represented in the combat arms; the circumstance can be named as occupational segregation. U.S. Armys leaders and authorities are touched on about the low count of Black officers functioning in the combat arms for two causes. First, the low count of Blacks in the combat arms cuts down the diverseness and perhaps the believability of the U.S. Armys authority. Second, it proves to be unmanageable for Blacks to achieve appropriate internal representation among general officers because 72% of the U.S. Armys generals are picked out from the combat arms. Three-quarters of all Black officers are licensed by ROTC whereas majority of them are licensed by HBCUs (Historically Black College and Universities). Researches reveal that there were two leading factors that influenced the assignments of Black cadets and those were cadet performance as well as attitude towards service. As a result, black HBCU cadets compete appropriately in on-campus ROTC scores but are indisposed when it comes to Advanced Camp. Black cadets were less probable to regard the Army as fair and had a most negative perceptual experience about the combat arms branches. Moreover, Black cadets are also deficient when it comes to combat arms mentors to cater for the needed motivation, tutorship and counseling. The US Army must set out to extenuate these factors and inverse the under-representation of Black military officers in combat arms. Thus, to enhance the internal representation of Black officers, the Army must coach HBCU cadets to do a cut above at Advanced Camp and prepare HBCU cadets for the needs and unparalleled culture of the Army and furthermore, delegate more Black officers into combat arms branches to allow for more mentors for Black cadets and officers in the time to come. Equal opportunity was not constantly interpreted as it is today. Formerly Army directives allowed for segregation. Ever since the desegregation of the Armed Forces, the Army has efficaciously broadened their ranks as the Army acts as mannequin for other organizations to follow up on. The Blacks comprise 29% of the total Army and just 11% of all Army officers. Nonetheless, a more closelipped look at Army officer statistics points that some inequalities have existence. Nowadays, the argument is not about adequate remuneration and intervention. But the main concern is the statistical distribution of Black officers amongst the Army. The amount of Black officers in combat arms offsets of the Army is minuscule, while the amount of Black officers engaging non-combat arms emplacements is heavy and developing unevenly. A deliberate study of the demographics by vocational specialty suggests that most Black officers in the Army are based in combat support and combat military service support branches. Various considerations add to making the uneven distribution. One of the causes is the rate of progression of Black officers with their white counterparts. Counterpointing causes arise from circumstances that are present outside the Army and result from the aftermaths of sociable and ethnical determines. Nevertheless, the failure to access Black officers into the Armys combat arms occupations is a serious institutional concern. Several studies in recent years have attempted to shed some light on this issue. A good example of inequality between combat and non-combat departments is exemplified by Army Infantry demographics which says that the percentage of Blacks in the Infantry has dropped a great deal from 30% in 1980 to 15% presently, while the count of Blacks in logistics units nowadays often are more than 50%. In 1999, only one Black cadet was accessed into the Infantry by the United States Military Academy. Reports suggest that Black American students rate the grandness of earning high financial gain and contributing to society (Walpole, Bauer, Gibson, Kanyi, Toliver, 2002). Another study by Morgan Teng and Anderson (2001) about Black American community college students depicts that job protection, a good starting income, self-reliance, and a crucial position are more crucial to Black American students comparably to White students. In addition, a crave of serving others and the society is also a significant motif in Black American culture. Nevertheless, some researches endure that particularly looks into differences of opinion amongst Black American and White educatees concerning the dominance of future income, future position, college attendance and vocational choices. Moreover, Black American persons proceed to go through high values of educational shortfalls, employment stagnancy, and impoverishment in the United States of America (Hargrove and Pope-Davis, 2001). Altogether we hope is that looking into the influence of future income, status and stimulating a difference in community will lead to significances favorable in assisting Black American students in finishing high school, going to college, and arriving at a career choice. Researches depict that a Black cadets entrà ©e into combat arms offsets is ascertained into a prominent part by two components: cadet functioning and cadet mental attitude towards service. African HBCU cadets contend befittingly with other cadets when it pertains to on-campus ROTC grades but they perform badly at Advanced Camp. A cadets performance is most importantly a derivative of the personal attitude towards service. The Army needs to lay complete and prompt attention to training HBCU cadets better. Conditioning plus formulation on campus starts with attaining a satisfactory GPA. Secondly, the ROTC cell must be knowledgeable adequately to render quality conditioning for HBCU cadets. Conditioning must be concentrated on the vital performance areas the cadet is assessed at camp such as traits like management, navigation, and APFT. The program must also ascertain that HBCU Cadets incur coaching to gear them up for the shift in organizational surroundings they will come upon at Advanced Camp. The HBCU Cadets need to have early experiences in adjusting to a more structured organizational stage setting. The cadets must learn to adjust ahead of the time when he arrives at Advanced Camp. ROTC plans have in the past times carried on speciated conditioning and training to prepare cadets for functioning in various environments. This particular training had better be reevaluated for its value and re-established. Cadets can suffer from culture shock during the early days of the camp if they are not trained or carried along without this kind of preparation or training. Squad leaders and contrivers must supervise internal representation. Discouraging to leaders and contrivers will be the extended dialogue over distinguishing the suitable military representation levels of citizen groupings. The demand for plentiful figures of quality staff personnel within the Army necessitates belief on all demographic and societal sections of America. Suitable action in reception to statistic trends is essential to preserve and amend the force. The Army ought to enhance the count of Black combat arms officers teaching Black cadets. Standard Black combat arms officers capable to provide a positive example to cadets will extremely aid in impeding vocational separatism of Blacks in non-combat arms offshoots. The occupancy of thes e eminent officers will also encourage mentoring of cadets that will amend the mental attitude cadets possess of the Army and ROTC.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

bay of pigs :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the administration of United States President John F. Kennedy, the Cold War reached its most dangerous state, when the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) came to the brink of nuclear war in what was known as the Cuban Missile Crisis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States and Russia were already engaged in the Cold War, and both countries were now in a race to build up their armed forces. The Arms Race was a competition between both countries to scare each other by creating bigger, more powerful missiles and bombs. Usually, the United States was more advanced than the Soviet Union in technology and the Soviets tried to catch up as quickly as possible and neither stopped. The American people thought that the Russians had more, and better missiles than the United States had because of Soviet Premier Khrushchev boasting over his country’s status. Eventually, American officials show this to be false. As the Cold War continued, the fear of a nuclear holocaust grew and proposals for arms reduction began, but the fear still remained. In 1961, the United States formed the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, which dealt with the government policy concerning nuclear testing and arms control. In May of 1972, the firs t Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT 1) came to an end and a treaty had been signed by the United States and the Soviet Union to limit the production of anti-ballistic missile systems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout the Cold War people feared nuclear war, but the world was never closer to one then during the Cuban Missile Crisis. There would be no winner in a nuclear war, only destruction would remain. For fourteen days in October of 1962, American and Soviet troops were prepared to attack one another and were ready to use nuclear weapons. This was the highest peak of tensions during the Cold War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Cuban Missile Crisis began with the growing tensions between the United States and Cuba following the Cuban Revolution of 1959. The revolution ousted Cuba’s dictator, Fulgencio Batista and brought to power a government headed by Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. Before the revolution, the United States had a significant influence in Cuba’s economic and political affairs, but the Castro government refused to be influenced by the United States. Castro caused concern in the United States when he confiscated property belonging to wealthy Cubans and foreigners in an attempt to implement policies to improve conditions for poor and working-class Cubans. bay of pigs :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the administration of United States President John F. Kennedy, the Cold War reached its most dangerous state, when the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) came to the brink of nuclear war in what was known as the Cuban Missile Crisis.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States and Russia were already engaged in the Cold War, and both countries were now in a race to build up their armed forces. The Arms Race was a competition between both countries to scare each other by creating bigger, more powerful missiles and bombs. Usually, the United States was more advanced than the Soviet Union in technology and the Soviets tried to catch up as quickly as possible and neither stopped. The American people thought that the Russians had more, and better missiles than the United States had because of Soviet Premier Khrushchev boasting over his country’s status. Eventually, American officials show this to be false. As the Cold War continued, the fear of a nuclear holocaust grew and proposals for arms reduction began, but the fear still remained. In 1961, the United States formed the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, which dealt with the government policy concerning nuclear testing and arms control. In May of 1972, the firs t Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT 1) came to an end and a treaty had been signed by the United States and the Soviet Union to limit the production of anti-ballistic missile systems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Throughout the Cold War people feared nuclear war, but the world was never closer to one then during the Cuban Missile Crisis. There would be no winner in a nuclear war, only destruction would remain. For fourteen days in October of 1962, American and Soviet troops were prepared to attack one another and were ready to use nuclear weapons. This was the highest peak of tensions during the Cold War.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Cuban Missile Crisis began with the growing tensions between the United States and Cuba following the Cuban Revolution of 1959. The revolution ousted Cuba’s dictator, Fulgencio Batista and brought to power a government headed by Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. Before the revolution, the United States had a significant influence in Cuba’s economic and political affairs, but the Castro government refused to be influenced by the United States. Castro caused concern in the United States when he confiscated property belonging to wealthy Cubans and foreigners in an attempt to implement policies to improve conditions for poor and working-class Cubans.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Why Drugs Should Be Legal :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  America is wasting it’s money and resources. It’s trying restrict something on which restrictions don’t have any effects: drugs. People who don’t use recreational drugs don’t do so because of the health risks; people who do use drugs would whether or not they are legal. The fact that they are illegal makes little difference. Nevertheless, $15,000,000,000 goes directly into drug prohibition every year, and has very little effect. Very much money is spent to pay police narcotics officers, fund the D.E.A., and house drug-offenders in prison. The prisons are full of drug-related criminals, and violent offenders go free earlier because of this. Which would you prefer walking the streets, a rapist, or a potsmoker?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Legalizing recreational drugs does not mean making drugs accesible to all people. The drugs that are legal today, alcohol and tobacco (nicotene) aren’t available to just everyone; they are regulated. Only certain people are allowed to buy them. Since the drug trade is unregulated, drugs are sold anywhere they can be (e.g. schools), allowing children to have access to them. If these drugs were illegal, than that trade would stagnate, and children wouldn’t have such easy access to them. It makes sense†¦ do you ever see people in schools selling beer or cigarrettes? Also, the usual cause of drug overdose is the fact that a person cannot know the potency of the drug he/she is taking. There are no standards because the trade of drugs is illegal in the first place. If they were legal, there would be a standard of quality for all drugs, regulated by the FDA.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The state of Georgia has the highest excise tax on liquor of any state. It also has the lowest tax on gasoline (which is good especially now with gas prices the highest ever). If drugs were legal, the government could place such an excise tax on them. In addition to freeing up money used for their prohibition, this extra money could fund the real problems of America, and eliminate our national debt quite quickly.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Doing drugs is dangerous, yes†¦ but so is tanning, smoking, drinking, chewing tobacco†¦ the list goes on and on. People are still free to do these things, notwithstanding the fact that they may be stupid acts. The ratio of deaths from tobacco versus drugs is 425:1, and that of alcohol versus drugs is 50:1. Drugs are less dangerous than both of these legal things, and people are still free to do them and not free to do drugs?